Crucial to the success of any rehabilitation programme is assessment and evaluation. Established rehabilitation programmes have grappled with these challenges for almost a decade. Various assessment measures are currently used within rehabilitation programmes and prisons to assess violent extremism and radicalization as well as group-based violence. The Significance Quest Assessment Tool (SQAT), the Violent Extremist Risk Assessment (VERA-2R), the Violent Extremist Belief Scale (VEBS), the Extremist Risk Guidelines (ERG22{plus}) and the Multi-Level Guidelines (MLG) are measures currently used to assess violent radicalization within several countries. The many developing rehabilitation initiatives across the globe, while learning and borrowing interventions from existing programmes, continue the search for sound assessment and evaluation tools that can measure their unique programmes. This chapter will draw from the experience of contemporary rehabilitation programmes and from the material available in the field, so that the least complex to the more complex methods of measurement can be tried out within ad-hoc as well as evolving rehabilitation programmes.