Each country needs to evaluate the following questions in the context of GVCs: What is its capacity to join a GVC? What is its capacity to remain part of the GVC? And finally what is the capacity of the country to move up the value chain? Depending on where a country is located with respect to a specific GVC, the answers to these questions will guide the policy that the country needs to take. In the case of India, we have examined the tasks that the firms are excelling in in the context of the several GVCs that have been examined in this book. Also, as we have noted, value-added exports are occurring in most of the segments examined. There are two factors that guide upgrading: first, what is the role of the lead firm in the governance of the chain and, second, what is the nature of technology in the sector? The process of upgrading is sector specific and efforts to achieve upgrading have to be seen in the context of the sector that is being targeted.