Sensory perception is the capability of performing neurophysiological processing of the stimuli by the living being. This process is executed by the organs using senses like hearing, vision, taste, odor, and contact. The concept of functional food where in food provides therapeutic benefits is not new but is trend. Natural flavors are derived from fruits, spices and vegetables to attain a broad range of diversity in taste. Nutraceuticals characterize the new classification that fills in the boundaries between medications and nourishment. Masking agents cover up the off-notes of product without affecting the active components. Masking bitterness is possibly the priority prospect for the taste modulators. Cyclodextrin molecules possess a cup shape structure that can accommodate the active nutrient thereby forming a complex. Combinations of different technologies can be employed such as encapsulation and flavor enhancement, selective removal of bitter molecules or biotransformation of bitter molecules, using strong tastants to produce a superior flavor in formulation.