This chapter focuses on the aspects of exegetic interpretation implied within and around Marx's method. In Marx's text, theory requires a physical extent of praxis and a historical delimitation of meaning. As meta-narratives, evolutionism, the theory of relativity, psychoanalysis and historical materialism are directly linked with the reading, interpretation and development of texts. Various readings of Marx's text led to different attitudes in the language of a presumed Marxist method of inquiry which did not necessarily pertain to the Marxian text itself. Antonio Negri identifies four fundamental criteria of method in Marx's Grundrisse: determinate abstraction, the method of the 'tendency', the 'true in practice', and the 'displacement' of the research and of theoretical domain. Antonio Gramsci's and Georg Lukacs reflections on classical German philosophy's historization of thought defines the emergence of neue Darstellung as a re-presentation of an intelligible reality.