The influence of sophisticated framing effects adopted by the politico-media is overstated and a declining influence with respect to the publics' thinking and acting. The politico-media's reach might be limitless, in principle, but even the most sophisticated framing techniques have limits and constraints as decoders consciously and unconsciously institute their own gatekeeping mechanisms. The human endeavour to comprehend the workings of the brain that produces the mind is a formidable challenge. As Johnson-Laird and colleagues explained: the neglect of falsity in mental models leads to systematic fallacies, counterexamples occur spontaneously in the evaluation of inferences as invalid, and deductions depending only on mental models are easier than those depending on a fully explicit model. The Ping-Pong Model depicts the largely unconscious battle that rages between the intuitive mind and the reflective mind. The motivation to jump from a System 1 mind mode to a System 2 mind mode is associated with a general negativity bias.