We will see why the body-mind therapies are found to be deeper, faster, and more efficient than psychotherapies which are essentially verbal, such as psychoanalysis, traditional transactional analysis, or NLP. All emotion is accompanied by the production of specific neurotransmitters, which modulate mood and thought. Recent neuroscientific studies helped us to realize that in fact, all learning-or all psychotherapy-acts directly on the synaptic circuits and modify in a parallel manner the internal biochemistry of the brain: the production of hormones and neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, adrenalin, noradrenalin, melatonin, endorphins, testosterone, and estrogens). Certainly, speech may trigger an emotion and therefore neuronal modifications: the sprouting of dendrites, new synaptic connections, production of neurotransmitters or hormones. Among new therapies, EMDR takes direct advantage of this plasticity, modifying certain neuronal networks and the production of neurotransmitters very quickly.