In this chapter, the author describes an analysis with Charles Rycroft for the period of his psychoanalytic training, beginning in 1956. His training supervisors were Marion Milner and Donald Winnicott. He worked as a Senior Registrar at the Tavistock Clinic, having previously qualified as a doctor and psychiatrist in Glasgow. He missed a lot of lectures and seminars, becoming impatient at covering ground with which he was already familiar, and for this reason there was some strong opposition to allowing him to qualify. However, senior members of the Society who knew him well, including Milner and Charles, supported his application, and his membership of the British Psychoanalytical Society was granted. The author kept an intermittent connection with Charles for the rest of his life. He talked about his analysis with Charles as follows in a series of conversations with Bob Mullan, the documentary film-maker; for his book about the author; mad to be Normal.