In the therapeutic setting, the Asperger's child can to some extent function "equidistantly" from the certain aspects of the split and describes both aspects from a position that is apparently "outside" both aspects, that is, he can describe both aspects from the viewpoint of an observing ego. In addition to a regularly observed and typical split in the self involving a victim and a bully aspect, there is projective identification into remote objects. The use of such remote objects is again a very regular phenomenon observed in all of the Asperger's patients have been privileged to treat. The "remote" quality involved projective identifications into mythological figures, animals, countries, cartoon figures, historical figures, and famous people. This projective identification into remote objects functions for Asperger's children as handmaiden and adjunct to splitting. Much of the available literature, including the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual characterises all autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger's Disorder, as a neurological disorder.