W. R. Bion's development of his concept of "attacks on linking" was part of his exploration of the "psychotic personality" and the part it played in psychotic and non-psychotic neurotic disorders. He considered that a "psychotic personality" co-existed with a "non-psychotic personality" in psychotic disorders and in severe neuroses, with the psychotic personality dominant in the former and masked by a more dominant neurotic pathological organisation in the latter. In this state, which could be regarded as resembling a theoretical state of primary narcissism, there is imputably only a central self with no relationships other than to itself. William Blake offers us alternative reasons for disconnection from the internal representation of the psychical world and these one could see similarly as psychoanalytic alternatives. Anyway, in whatever way it arises, connection is the provocation and the psychotic solution is disconnection. As Melanie Klein said, if one part of the ego annihilates another, that produces what is phantasied to be the "world catastrophe.".