Freud considered psychoanalysis an instrument with which to disassemble the Oedipus complex, thereby developing the innermost workings of consciousness. However, he considered this as an instrumental science, failing to discover that which he was actually demonstrating, namely that the path forward lay in the person; in himself rather than in science. Psychoanalysis as both science and therapy will undoubtedly find its place within the new paradigm that will be created in the intersection of hermeneutics, natural science and reformulations of the human values that nurture community between people: kindness, consideration, trust, and gratitude. W.R. Bion was not associated with any particular faith, except perhaps that whose only dogma is an unconditional loyalty to the urge for truth. As such he was both a philosopher and a therapist. True practitioners of philosophy and psychotherapy attempt to live as a real and true part of the shared consciousness they both are and exist in.