A psychoanalyst is formed by his own experience of being analyzed, his experiences of analyzing others, and through thinking and self-reflection upon these experiences. "The analyst's act of freedom as agent of therapeutic change", "Phantasy effects that which it represents", and "Maturity and interpretation as joint therapeutic agents" were attempts at extrapolating from those experiences. The experience of working with psychopaths at an early stage in the development as a psychoanalyst helped the author understand better the remorseless acts of psychopathic individuals. People are often mystified when a brutal murderer is sentenced in court and shows no remorse for what he has done. There is an absence of reflexivity that is a crucial element in remorse. The psychopath is behaving at the level of motor action and not at the level of emotion; and remorse is in the emotional field. The psychopath assaults those around him in a way that is extremely distressing and sad-making for others.