The most obvious evidence of mind control is the existence of insiders who believe what they were indoctrinated to believe. This is central to understanding mind control, and to no longer being controlled by the abusers. This chapter focuses on specific lies which mind-controlling abusers use to maintain control over their trainees. Abusers tell parts of different ages lies that are believable for children of those ages. An adult survivor might have many different parts who believe the lies they were told at the ages when they were trained. Intense, abusive, religious or military indoctrination are beliefs which were hammered into each part of young mind over and over, through religious ceremonies, military drills, rhymes, severe punishments, and rewards for compliance or memorising the correct beliefs. It is not surprising that they say obedience is good, since for many years Western society believed children are supposed to be obedient to their parents, who know better than they do.