The unpleasure produced by internal excitation linked, for example, to need tension plunges the infant into a state of distress. The mechanisms of plasticity create a trace that becomes a mnemic trace, unconscious at this stage but definitely present. A somatic state, hence perceptions coming from the internal world, is associated with events coming from the external world. In the first stages of the establishment of this network of associations the breast is actually a concrete object made of flesh. The processes of transcription detach it from its initial state. A trace of experience is substituted for the experience proper: a mnemic trace. In the first phase of the association between a somatic state and an object that allows satisfaction the object and the thing are identical, as in the pair perception 4/trace 4. The specific action realized in virtually simultaneous fashion, in Gleichzeitigkeit, is, for Freud, the basis of all connections among neurons.