This chapter comprises a response to Graeme Summers' paper on "Dynamic Ego States" written by Keith; this is followed by a rejoinder from Graeme. In terms of elaborating the "non-verbal and implicit aspects of the original co-creative transactional analysis formulation of ego. L. Cozolino discussed the importance of helping the client to shift her or his experience of anxiety from an unconscious trigger, which causes avoidance, to a conscious cue for curiosity and exploration. A psychotherapy that offers such exploration may be viewed as offering integration of cortical linguistic processing along with conditioned sub-cortical arousal in the service of inhibiting, regulating and modifying erstwhile maladaptive reactions. The notion of the unconscious is vulnerable to being employed as a self-sealing doctrine by people who claim to know the unconscious motivations of others and who then claim that any resistance to their interpretation is evidence of being right.