The patient has the capacity to exact an emotional relationship from the analyst, and to reject it. A state is produced in which one cannot ‘remember’ what has happened in the session. Some points are clear: (1) The patient denies information to the analyst. (2) The patient arouses ‘inevitable’ emotion and denies any material that would allow a to operate and therefore the analyst to profit by the experience for the patient’s benefit. Is this not unnecessarily elaborate? Why not just deny information? Because it is essential for there to be an experience from which no benefit is to be obtained. (3) The patient has the occasional vivid experience, e.g. he is loathed by his family. (4) The patient denies a and so loses a sense of reality, e.g. he is not able to see the irresponsibility of continuing the analysis. The prevention of visual imagery makes the experience not storable or usable either in conscious waking thought, unconscious waking thought, or in dream-thought.