This chapter explains dips in and out of mystery, is steeped in it, but, for the most part, tries to attend to more or less expressible depictions of tendencies that come into view in inner vision and thought, tendencies that have had a long cultural history and strong psychoanalytic presence as well. The triune doctrine of the Holy Trinity is a dramatic example of a distinction–union structure. Often distinction–union tendencies work unconsciously and become semi-visible in unexpected ways. The very birth of distinction–union tendencies is part of the creative sense of existence, dipping deeply into the unknown unborn. In sum, distinction–union tendencies enter into many kinds of relationships with each other, antagonistic, symbiotic, parasitic, nullifying, disconnecting, nourishing. It might help living one's way into this by supposing distinction–union tendencies as branches of a single trunk, or roots in a complex root system. Asymmetrical experiencing puts the brakes on, emphasizing distinctions, individual differences, not-one.