Trauma hits and keeps on hitting. The very personalities have self-traumatizing aspects, which, in positions of great power, deform aspects of the larger world. Often there is a fit between childhood abuse and societal trauma, as if the two resonate and call to each other. Many forms of election abuse took place in order to strong-arm the winning candidate into a losing position, while elevating the loser into a declared winner. The patient felt a crime against the land was committed. As in ancient times, crimes of leaders are expiated by the land as a whole. To unconscious logic, the decimation of the World Trade Center that followed was of a cloth with violence committed upon the land by election deformation. The continued political abuse gave the word "democracy" a chilling aura. The sessions oscillated between the patient reliving abuses of early childhood and her adult sense of societal trauma perpetuated in the present, a fit across time.