Activity encompasses that entire patient do, day and night: it can be washing patients, vacuum cleaning patients carpets, going to work and even resting and sleeping. In order to manage patients symptoms, it best to get as much balance in patients activity as possible. An activity diary is simply a weekly diary, in which patient record all that patient do. Some activities are physical, such as walking or shopping, others might be considered to be more 'cerebral', like using a computer or talking on the phone. patient may find that patient do a lot less activity now than before patient acquired Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), or patient may find that patient do too much activity for how patient are feeling. Many people become frustrated with the way their CFS/ME affects their life, so when an often rare 'good day' comes along, they try to get as much use out of it as possible.