The people who made the films have placed in the category "Human identity" struggle to determine necessary and sufficient qualities that would qualify a creature for inclusion under that rubric. Blade Runner casts a net in which postmodern primates are caught along with Replicants, presumed to be machines. Blade Runner, a film directed by Ridley Scott, was released to theaters in 1982. In the film Lord of the Flies, the authors witness the gradual degradation of civilized inclinations to the point of barbarism. Seconds is a study of longing. There is a speech, discarded in the final cut of Blade Runner, in which Leon tries to explain the quintessence of the Replicant's condition. The problem from which Mr. Hamilton, the Scarsdale banker, suffers is amenable to psychological, psychiatric, or psychoanalytic explanation, but the exclusive use of such an approach would reduce the meaning of Seconds.