Re-formulating the logic of the construction of differences may show the way to other conceptual delimitations, in theory and in clinical practice. On the basis of these problems, this chapter examines the concepts of otherness, heterogeneity, diversity and difference in relation to the constitution of the psyche, sexuality and the production of subjectivity. The logic of masculine-feminine polarity joins a series of equivalencies based on the Aristotelian model. Power relations generate and organize binary relations. This adds further complexity since it introduces power relations as intrinsic elements of any relationship. Anxiety facing otherness and sexual difference promotes relations of domination and frequently immobilization in the masculine-feminine polarity. Anatomical heterogeneity, gender diversity and sexual difference have relations of conjunction and disjunction, configuring non-sequential but coexisting logical organizations that do not necessarily reach a dialectic synthesis. These planes can be heterogeneous and conflictive, without diluting symbolic difference.