There has been a huge amount of research using the Mental Toughness Questionnaire 48 (MTQ48) and the model it measures. This is an ongoing process and there is a developing dialogue with researchers across the world. Mental toughness, as measured by the MTQ48, has shown to be related to a number of psychological advantages. Participants with higher exercise and physical activity levels scored higher in most MTQ48 subscales. Individuals who fulfilled current physical activity recommendations also reported elevated mental toughness scores compared to those who did not. Using the MTQ48, L. Crust and K. Azadi found mental toughness was related to the use of performance strategies in competition; namely activation, relaxation, self-talk, emotional control, and goal setting. S. A. Dewhurst and colleagues carried out the first ever study to directly examine the cognitive underpinning of the mental toughness advantage.