Every dream can be depicted as a mandala, a totality consisting of images that portray the conflicts and divisions existing within the psyche. The process of creating a dream mandala is the essence of simplicity. The dream mandala is a creative way to depict, and experience, the opposing and contrasting forces within the psyche. The dream mandala is a path to wholeness and our own unique patterns of integrity. The dream mandala enables us to experience dreams as magic circles that bind, subdue, and organize the unruly, "lawless powers" within us. C. G. Jung called the mandala "the archetype of wholeness". Most mandalas are characterized by the circle and the quaternity, often divided into a light and a dark half. Creating a dream mandala is a self-integrative ritual act that unifies and heals. The dream mandala is a path to wholeness and our own unique patterns of integrity.