The archetypal teacher may appear as a sage, guru, or initiator. In many instances, the archetypal teacher appears to us in a familiar form. People touched by archetypal energies can become charismatic, powerful and magnetic, forming what Jung called a mana personality. In the archetypal story of the hero's journey, the hero or heroine leaves the normal world and goes into the underworld to face challenges. The theme of the hero's journey is apparent in this dream. Elements of nature is archetypal, including tree, ocean, spiral, storm, fire, cave, nest, mountain, lightning, and volcano. Many dreams contain imagery of water, another archetypal element of nature. The archetype of the king, saviour, healer, guru, or great teacher is frequently found in dreams. People identified with the messianic archetype may exhibit hubris, arrogance, inflated self-value, and self-importance. Awareness of the cyclical movement of the planets makes it possible to anticipate the periodic appearance of specific archetypes in dreams and in waking life.