The anima is an unconscious feminine complex, apparent when a man (or woman) is emotionally reactive, whiny, and oversensitive, full of touchy, hurt feelings. The animus is an unconscious masculine complex that is apparent when a woman (or man) becomes overbearing, domineering, self-righteous, and stridently opinionated. The anima and animus describe the dance of attraction, projection, and illusion making that is such an integral part of the experience of love. The anima possesses unconscious energy and magnetism, but she overdramatizes everything. The animus was portrayed as a woman's unconscious logos, her capacity for logic and intellectual certitude. Emma Jung believed the anima or animus could only be realized through relationship with a partner of the opposite gender. The classical Jungian formulation depicted anima as the carrier of a man's unconscious Eros, his capacity for feeling and relatedness. The next dream not only explores the animus but also contains the fourfold symbolism of maiden, mother, amazon, and wise woman.