The attitude one brings to social dreaming would seem as important as the rediscovery, the structures, and the "work of it". Gordon Lawrence's "way of being" is congruent with social dreaming itself, a way that is spiritual in nature and transcends the individual. The matrix space involves science, spirituality and play. As such, it has connections with Eastern philosophies; Aboriginal cosmology, the new scientists, and writers like Andrew Samuels, Theilhard de Chardin, D. W. Winnicott, and obviously C. G Jung. The ancient people considered that chaos and order were in an uneasy harmonic tension. In most cosmologies, the primordial state of chaos or nothingness was there from the beginning. A tentative working diagram for the matrix experience involves the twin mirrors of the outward science/inward spirituality and chaos/order. Each of these is circular and hence it is actually like a globe with a line of zero longitude and zero latitude.