In this chapter, the author's psychoanalytic understanding of unconscious couple dynamics is based on a weaving of psychoanalytic attitudes that relate to unconscious dimensions of the intersubjective and intrasubjective spheres dialectically. In this state of mutual influence, the unconscious minds and mine are constantly under construction across the life cycle. The unconscious mind develops in dynamic interaction with the unconscious field in which it is delivered. The field consists of the shared unconscious assumptions in the family and the society—repressed or ignored aspects of social life, culture, history, values and family relationships. Couple psychoanalysis enables working through of the traumatic encapsulated material, builds obstacles to transmitting potentials of trauma to the next generation, and allows couples to experience new satisfying personal and couple emotional equilibrium. When transformation in couple relationships occurs, we need to be aware that it touches all spheres of life so that we can intervene where and when needed.