The current neuroscientific research in the field of emotion studies highlights a paradigm of scientific research that must be categorized as functional science. As functional science, the neuroscientific theory of the "neuron doctrine" combined with a Jungian theory of the "complex doctrine" hold significant potential for a natural human science and a psychological study of affectivity. Though researchers utilize psychological constructs similar to those proposed by Carl Jung, there appears to be a "fear of Jung," that is, a professional fear of invoking Jung's name or his psychological research. One familiar with Jung's works notice similar terminology, ideas, and even conclusions. The marginalization and neglect of Jung's psychological insights from a serious "empirical-scientific" approach to psychology is due to many factors. Jung did not reduce psychological experience to the body or brain; a reductive science does not consider seriously the reality of the psyche. This work is an initial contribution to a psychological and neurological study of personal emotional experience.

chapter ONE|20 pages


chapter TWO|27 pages

Philosophy first, not first philosophy

chapter THREE|34 pages

Ruminations on the psyche

chapter FOUR|33 pages

Jungian complexes in perspective

chapter FIVE|18 pages

Discussion of Jung's emotional complex doctrine

chapter |6 pages

Intermezzo: the complex brain nuclei

chapter SIX|30 pages

A complex consideration

chapter SEVEN|20 pages

The complex and post traumatic stress disorder

chapter |18 pages

A functional finale

Philosophy last, not "last philosophy": towards a natural human science of psychology