Sigmund Freud sustained his conviction, his phallic fallacy perhaps, that the phallus is primary, and that the vagina stays terra incognita for the child. Freud did however acknowledge that women could have orgasms. He ascribed primacy to the vaginal orgasm, crediting the clitoris with the minor role of providing its kindling. Without a feminine metaphor, what also is missing is a space between vaginal and phallic symbols and for their free trade, for their mutual labor. Tracing the role of patriarchy in subverting female voices and the voice of desire, authors such as Carol Gilligan and David Richards document the perversion of democratic values in history, and also in the evolution of Freud's thought. After his groundbreaking discovery of free association as a means of healing dissociation, Freud infamously abandoned his seduction hypothesis in favor of theory that the unconscious is pervaded by sexual fantasy.