The distinguished professor of the Harvard medical school, in a paper motivated by the loftiest intentions and written with all the persuasiveness of honest conviction, argues warmly that psycho-analysis, the importance of which as a psychological and therapeutic method he unreservedly accepts, should be brought into relation with wider philosophical concepts. The facts of psycho-analysis can be incorporated into any materialist or idealist, monistic or dualistic, system. Analysis having discovered permanent psychological truths, disguised in symbolic form, in those long-despised products of the popular mind, myths and fairy-tales, it is certainly to be hoped that new viewpoints and new discoveries will result from the study of philosophy and history. The two disciplines, philosophy and psychology, obey different principles, and it is in the interests of both that they should remain apart. Psychology must reserve the right to deliver judgement on philosophy, and in return must not object to being adopted into various philosophical systems.