Sigmund Freud came up with a particular form of therapy called psychoanalysis, which was and continues to be a particular form of thinking about the workings of our minds. To a considerable extent he was able to elucidate something of the sexual aspects not only of the “innocence” of our childhoods, but so often on the basis of an examination of our dream life, he arrived at his foundational emphasis on the unconscious forces or drives that influence our everyday thoughts and actions. And this emphasis was founded on the sexual. Inevitably other thinkers in the field demurred, Jung for example wanting to place spirituality at the heart of our being. Psychoanalysis promotes the idea of something otherwise known as our forbidden desires hotting up only to be reconfigured in a cooler, condensed state. Our sexual and murderous desires have to be somehow “vaporised” only to re-emerge as something else, with those original desires now effectively concealed.