During the Third Crusade, the Crusaders founded the Kingdom of Cyprus. Richard Coeur-de-Lion of England conquered Cyprus from the Byzantines on his the way to Holy Land. Henry II of England died in 1189, and his English contingent of the Third Crusade came under the command of his son and heir, Richard Coeur-de-Lion, who had been a great military leader from a very young age. The Third Crusade, while an act of war in reality, was also the collective unconscious acting out of yet another psychogeographi-cal fantasy. Frustrated with Richard Coeur-de-Lion, Duke Leopold of Austria and King Philippe of France left the Holy Land and sailed back to Europe. Richard kept fighting Sultan Saladin of Syria over the "Holy Land" for a few more months, but failed to take Jerusalem from the "Saracens". The Third Crusade produced many fantasies in the form of legends and literary works on the greatness of Saladin, Richard Coeur-de-Lion, and other heroes.