In On the Psychotheology of Everyday Life: Reflections on Freud and Rosenzweig, E. Santner has taken a less radical approach to the psychoanalytic project, one that reconciles it with the philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig, a German–Jewish philosopher of the early twentieth century. If there was any inherent Jewish dimension to psychoanalytic thinking, it was reducible to the concept that psychic healing is a type of Exodus from Egypt, in a more general way—it means giving up the national project and the search for a "home". Buber and "his sanctimonious pronouncements" against the psychoanalytic theory of dreams did not cost Freud any sleep. In May 1939, the Palestine Psychoanalytic Society convened a special meeting at which its members heard a lecture on the volume by Erich Gumbel, the Jerusalem Psychoanalytic Institute's first graduate and Eitingon's senior student.