This chapter focuses on the narcissism which arises through the drawing in of object-cathexes as a secondary one, superimposed upon a primary narcissism that is obscured by a number of different influences. The auto-crotic instincts, however, are there from the very first; so there must be something added to auto-erotism—a new psychical action—in order to bring about narcissism. The condition of sleep, too, resembles illness in implying a narcissistic withdrawal of the positions of the libido on to the subject's own self, or, more precisely, on to the single wish to sleep. The development of the ego consists in a departure from primary narcissism and gives rise to a vigorous attempt to recover that state. One part of self-regard is primary—the residue of infantile narcissism; another part arises out of the omnipotence which is corroborated by experience, whilst a third part proceeds from the satisfaction of object-libido.