Creating Sanctuary" refers to the shared experience of creating and maintaining physical, psychological, social, and moral safety within a social environment—any social environment—and thus reducing systemic violence. In the Sanctuary Model, this commitment urges to harness the energy of reciprocity and a yearning for justice by rebuilding restorative social connection skills, establishing healthy and fair attachment relationships, and transforming the desire for revenge into a driving need for social justice and concern for the common good. Early childhood attachment determines whether a child's brain, body, sense of self, capacity for relationships, and conscience all develop properly. From the moment of birth, the first responsibility of all mammalian mothers is to protect her child from harm. Every child needs the sense of safety and security provided by a stable, secure mothering relationship to use as the scaffolding for all further neuro-regulatory development. The infant and early childhood relationship with mother provides the early context for emotional management.