By the group or philetic method of analysis is meant a method that attempts to explain the reactions expressed in the relationships of individuals to one another and to the social group upon a physiological basis of interpretation. Setting aside the broader, technical meanings of sociology, the problems of the sociologist are problems in inter-individual efficiency, in social economy and industry. The group method, then, or phyloanalysis, attempts to study the sensations and reactions of the individual as the expression of reactions and sensations which are continuous throughout society as a unitary social organism. The mental concomitant of the grief reaction, on the other hand, that is, the symbolic, social expressions arising from the secondary psychological system, are infinitely varied and arbitrary. Concomitantly with the increasing poignancy of this industrial and social situation, there has been slowly forming a community organisation that, under the name of The Lifwynn Foundation, attempts to mark the beginning of an industrial community psychiatry.