As an example of hysterical ‘materialization’ (by which process an idea actually becomes true in the flesh) I mentioned in my work on this topic globus hystericus, and put forward the opinion that it deals with not only a paræsthesia but an actual materialization. I now read in Bernheim’s book, Hypnotism, Suggestion, Psycho therapy, on page 33, the following: ‘When I was a pupil of M. Sédillot, that eminent master was called on to examine a patient who could not swallow any solid food. He felt in the upper part of the œsophagus, behind the thyroid cartilage, an obstruction at which level the alimentary bolus was retained, not regurgitated. On introducing his finger as deeply as possible across the pharynx, M. Sédillot felt a tumour which he described as a fibrous polypus projecting in the area of the œsophagus. Two distinguished surgeons touched it after him, and ascertained without hesitation the existence of a tumour such as the master had described. Œsophagotomy was performed; no malformation existed at this level.’