Depression has been part of the human condition for many thousands of years, Plato and Aristotle wrote about it. There are several internal sources of depression. Most common of these is a hormonal imbalance. There are also some illnesses where depression is often a consequence, like glandular fever or chronic fatigue syndrome. These have depression as a "biological" component, as well as the psychological one where one's life effectively has been torn up for a while. Sometimes the onset of the depression can be traced back shortly after a trauma, or a traumatic period, in one's life. This can often result in depression especially if the trauma has not been worked with or resolved in some effective way. Depression here is called as the post traumatic stress disorder. Analytical psychology, developed by psychologist C. G. Jung, sees depression as a damming-up of energy, which, when released, can help the person adopt a more positive direction in their life.