There is much more I could have written, but I had to stop somewhere. As I have always said in workshops I give, I just can’t meet everybody’s need. I hope that you will find enough of what you need in the chapters I did write. I have given workshops over the years on some topics that are not included here: divorce, child abuse, using the media in the service of therapy. I did not write about using puppets, therapeutic metaphors, or other specific techniques. Nor did I write about working with parents and families or what happens at the first session. I did not include five original children’s stories that I wrote a long time ago that I still love. I have a large envelope filled with questions people have submitted at workshops and thought a chapter (or book) on “The Questions People Ask Me” would be useful. I did not include a case from beginning to end, as some have requested. (See my chapter “From Meek to Bold” in Play Therapy in Action.)