Homosexuality is initially feminine, for both the boy and the girl, establishing the foundations of a psychic bisexuality in both sexes. For the girl, this builds the foundation for experiencing the existence of the other, who possesses different sexual organs. For the boy, this leads to the awakening of an abundant psychic curiosity. There is a concordance for him between the internal perception and the sight of his sexual organs on his own body. Although homosexuality practised in adolescence can appear as an escape from sexual difference and, perhaps ultimately, from primary homosexuality, nevertheless some adolescents will become, sometimes as a result of analysis, happy human beings with sexuality that satisfies them in their relationship with the other and with the world. Adolescence, in society, is a lengthy period, a necessary time for bringing the body and the psychic apparatus into accord, a period of separation from the preceding generation and also a time when the other sex is discovered.