Raquel Cavaleiro Ferreira has reflected on multiple issues that arise in the transferential–countertransferential process established between herself and Joel, a patient with a narcissistic identity disorder. Joel had been marked by early narcissistic traumas that resulted in extremely difficult work for the analyst in the transferential–countertransferential space. The term, homosexuality, entails a contradiction: "homos" refers to the narcissistic and "sexual" refers to the objectal. Paul Denis distinguishes between the terms "homosexual" and "homo-narcissistic". The first relationship with the object is sexually undifferentiated. Jean Bergeret also distinguishes between different classes of homosexuality: between a regressive post-oedipal homosexuality and a form of antidepressant searched for, as in a mirror, through homoerotism. The case presented by Cavaleiro raises a question about sexual identities in society and the psychoanalyst's role in regard to them. The psychoanalyst is confronted with different forms of sexualities, heterosexuality, transsexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality, and has to treat them analytically in the light of narcissism.