In early 1926 Theodor Reik was prosecuted for conducting an analysis without being medically qualified. It quickly blew into a controversy that opened a split between psychoanalysts, including opening a divide between American and European psychoanalysis. Freud wrote a pamphlet about it, not being an impartial bystander since his daughter had scant formal qualifications for therapeutic work. As always Jones's writing is transparently clear, optimistic, and rather concealing of the deep clefts within the psychoanalytic movement. It aspires to a height of magisterial statesmanship, unlike Freud. The present question the various national groups should be accorded a high degree of autonomy. If such a group, comes to a definite decision in one direction, then any attempt on the part of any others of the International Association to override this and force a contrary decision on them can only lead to friction between the groups and act in the long run deleteriously on the interests of psycho-analysis as a whole.