In this chapter, the author explains numerous insights into gender jokes. The author focuses will be narrow: negative stereotypes of women around which many gender jokes are organized-specifically, women as whores and women as avengers. Two final notes about this joke: first, it must be said that, whatever the old man's plight, the development of this gender joke can also be taken to suggest the figure of the woman who sells herselfonce again, the woman as whore. The analysis of the first set of jokes, though focused on the figure of woman as whore, repeatedly and not unexpectedly brought in themes of women's power and men's exaggerated unconscious fear of that power's controlling and destructive potential. By showing how apparently straightforward narratives contain considerable unarticulated complexity of meaning and motive, as the author have just done with regard to gender jokes, applied analysis is like clinical work in that it highlights latent contradictions, confusions, conflicts, and compromises in human existence.