This chapter deals with the enhancement of the Integrated Experiential Coaching Model by integrating it with the transcendental phenomenology of Moustakas and Harri-Augstein and Laurie Thomas's Learning Conversations. The Integrated Experiential Coaching Model proposes that coaching is about facilitating integrated experiential learning in individuals, in order to enhance personal growth and development. A further interesting aspect of David Kolb's Experiential Learning Model is how well it integrates with phenomenology. E. Spinelli points out that the concept of intentionality, and its noematic and noetic foci, enabled Edmund Husserl to develop the phenomenological methodology to help clarify the interpretational factors contained in each experience. The strength of the Integrated Experiential Coaching Model is that it allows for continuous growth and development in the personal and transpersonal levels, and it provides a practical methodology to facilitate this continuous growth and development. Most Western methodologies tend to stop at the upper levels of rational development; some of them do not recognize the transpersonal levels.