As the discoverer of the social dreaming matrix, the author took the first steps on the journey of dreaming socially in 1982 at the Tavistock Institute. The development of social dreaming has given rise to a number of dreams on the part of the writer. When it was discovered in the early 1980s, the notion that dreaming could be examined with a set of people was quite radical. The social dreaming journey started from working in groups when he was joint director of the Tavistock Institute's Group Relations Programme. Dreams were presented in the course of a group's life. The experiences were not sufficient to formulate the idea of social dreaming. The missing component came from a reading of Charlotte Beradt's The Third Reich of Dreams. Charlotte Beradt was a journalist who lived and worked in Hitler's Germany. The dreaming and dreams derived from what she called "man's paradoxical existence under a twentieth-century totalitarian regime".