From a philosophical point of view, the object belongs to exteriority. As J. Laplanche rightly points out in his Vocabulary of Psychoanalysis, the concept of object has many connotations which often give rise to misunderstandings. Another major problem on a philosophical level is the debate regarding the status of the object. The empirical philosophers have tried every way possible to separate the object from its obvious relationship with the subject. In psychoanalysis, the object is something different. On each level of integration, the object has a different "weight". In order not to expand too much one can focus on the biological, psychological, and social levels. On the biological level, the object is mostly an external element, necessary to the extent that all biological structures are open systems. On a psychological level, the integration of the external object is ultimately the basis of all occurrences. Finally, on the social level, history is the memory of the effort of group structures.