This book grew out of technical innovation. Not only at the level of therapeutic technique, although to be sure there is a considerable amount of that too. The rapid growth of the internet has enabled the psychoanalytic community to comment on emerging psychoanalytic ideas almost before they have been fully formulated. The papers that were to appear in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis were posted on its website and discussed by an international audience of remarkable intellectual force and nimbleness. David Tuckett as journal editor responded with his customary nimbleness of mind to create this electronic forum for debate linked to the Journal before any other similar electronic auditoria were created. Joseph Sandler, in his role as the first website editor (the last editorial role of an unparalleled career), benignly supervised the debate. The innovative paradigm of key theoretical contributions contextualised by concurrent international peer discussion gives this volume a very special significance. It might point the way towards resolving the long-standing struggle of psychoanalysis with creating a truly integrated knowledge base.