This chapter interrogates the connection between bulimia and anxiety. Through several short clinical vignettes, it examines the connection between anxiety and the demand of the Other. Massimo Recalcati has dedicated ten years to the research and treatment of anorexia and bulimia. He claims that anorexia is a manoeuvre of separation of the subject from the Other, there where the Other of the demand seems to suffocate any lack. The psychoanalytical approach is not through the "disorder", but addressing anorexia and bulimia as a subjective position. The link of the symptom of bulimia to anxiety puts the accent on the primordial repression and on the relation of the subject to what cannot be said. The anxiety that leads to eating provokes a certainty. Naveau proposes that the bulimic crisis is a way to tear off from anxiety the certainty of that piece of real that is the bone stuck in the throat.