In 1964, Louis Althusser vigorously took a position on this return in an article in La Nouvelle Critique, the journal of the communist intellectuals whose importance for all of French intellectual life was crucial at the time. Althusser uses the expression, "return to Freud", which Lacan had been using as a slogan since 1951 and recognizes that Lacan had opened the path back to Freud's work. On 15 January 1964, at the beginning of a new period for Lacan, he thanks Fernand Braudel, the chair of the section of the École pratique des hautes études that had provided an institutional framework for the seminar. He speaks of Braudel's "nobility in providing with a means of continuing teaching". He also thanks Robert Flacelière, the director of the École normale supérieure for putting a room at the disposal of the Hautes Études so that Lacan could give his seminar there.