Heaven Moment I asked if they would do an event for me, I said I wasn’t famous, my book not sensational, my publisher small, I hoped they would find a niche for my book so that this life would be a little heaven, a little heaven of fame, but they said, no, not because I’m not famous, or because my publisher is not big, or my book not replete with sensations, but because of a technical reason. I then sat on one of their chairs and skimmed through a couple of beautiful books, and felt good that I had asked, and felt good I wasn’t hurt, and felt good about bearing frustration, and felt good about my life that felt real, and felt good for being on the front line, and went home and ate a hearty lunch and read the Tanya about the different categories of the soul, 276and realized my soul fits the “in-between,” good and bad, and praised God for helping me face what needs to be faced— a heaven that is not about what I thought, but about this other thing sometimes called life.