The photo of Oliver Freud was taken in early 1943. He was fifty-two years old, a refugee newly arrived in Barcelona, and waiting for visas to travel on via Lisbon to the USA. It is an identity photo, like the portrait of Anna Freud examined, and, consequently, it shares a number of characteristics with that or any other example of the genre. It is Freud who sketched the first draft portrait of Oliver, in the Interpretation of Dreams. In fairy tales and in the Sigmund Freud family, it is the third and youngest son who turns out to be the lucky one. It is Freud who sketched the first draft portrait of Oliver, in the Interpretation of Dreams. In some ways, Oliver can be seen to be reacting in the same way as his sister did. In Freud's references to Oliver in his correspondence, the theme of numbers starts becoming ominous from 1899 on.